Monday, April 20, 2009

The Terrific Twos continued...

Parenting has brought a lot of changes into our home. Our house, while never spotless, has now become a large storage area... for Caleb's toys. The largest shelf Caleb has been able to find is the living room floor. We do have a designated play room, and while I try to do a lot of activities with Caleb in there, being on bedrest has bent and broken most of the rules. I am happy to report that the majority of things that he likes playing with are "quiet" play items. (We have strongly discouraged family from buying toys that make noise - not to say that he doesn't still have some things... I can only imagine trying to lie on my left side while setting up a Hot Wheels course... *shiver*.) His current favourites are puzzles, colouring and books. In particular, the boy loves to paint with his finger paints, and I think his "big brother" gift is going to be an easel with paints and brushes.

Two year olds also like to "store" things in "safe" places. An inventory of what I found under my sofa cushions this week:
  1. Puzzle pieces from at least 3 puzzles
  2. Blocks from the shape sorter
  3. Felt covered cheerios
  4. A stuffed snake
  5. 2 story books
  6. 5 mangled crayons
  7. Non-edible raisins
  8. Multiple stickers that had been torn
  9. The remote that I originally went looking for.

That being said, having a two year old has brought out some things that I guess I just thought were "known" behaviours, not "learned". The following are phrases that I have said in the last week:
  1. We don't climb on the dog.
  2. The dog is not a horse.
  3. We don't climb in the dishwasher.
  4. We don't eat worms.
  5. No chocolate for breakfast.
  6. Cars don't go in the dishwasher.
  7. Hands out of your pants!
  8. No boing-boinging on your bed!
  9. We can't eat Popsicles for breakfast.
  10. Put that back in the garbage!
  11. The cat is not a horse
  12. No throwing in the house.
  13. Bats are not for hitting cats.
  14. Do not let the dog lick your fork!
  15. The dog doesn't like it when you touch her bum.

So the adventure continues. I wonder what I am going to find under my sofa cushions this week....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hilarious and scary at the same time. I don't want 2 to come!! And no chocolate for breakfast?!!? Seriously?!!?