Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

  1. Scott got to make an emergency trip to the dentist on Thursday because his far right bottom molar cracked in half. We are now trying to decide when he should have surgery to remove the rest of the tooth.

  2. Our weather was beautiful this weekend. Sadly, Scott didn't get to enjoy much of it as he was working a clearance sale at the warehouse.

  3. A combination of chasing after C-Bugs and heat caused some contractions Saturday night, but I got them calmed down after a couple of hours... without going to the hospital!

  4. Caleb was pretty well behaved most of the weekend. The only time he got grumpy was right before nap time which is pretty huge in the 2-year old world.

  5. I discovered the joys of Play-Doh again. :)

  6. Everyone should invest in a Little Green by Bisel. I love mine! Especially after it got regurgitated french fries and chocolate milkshake out of the carpet in Caleb's room. ('nuff said)

  7. I had a great report at the doctors today. They said to keep laying low for another three weeks, but that if I went in to labor after Saturday they wouldn't do anything to stop it. "We have to think, if the uterus is trying to expel the baby from the body, there has to be a good reason." Thanks, I think?

  8. We all ate ice cream on the deck tonight - Caleb in only a diaper eating a Shrek push pop. Love it.
  9. The nursery still is not completed, but I am going to crack the whip the weekend and get it done! We have to move the computer desk and hang the blinds. (We, of course, being Scott - no heavy lifting or climbing ladders for this prego!)
  10. This is how Caleb is counting: " One, two, five, six, seven, eight, nine, eleven, twelve, six!"

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