Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Girl

Looking back, the majority of posts lately have been about Caleb and how I am adjusting to parenting a toddler, now preschooler. But there is another very important little one at our house: my girl.

Chloe is chill. She takes everything in stride. Brother beating her over the head with a car? A quick yell, and she moves away from him. Mean mommy takes away the markers she is trying to eat? Stomps her feet a couple of times and finds something else to play with. And she loves books. I mean really loves them. She will bring me a pile of books and happily sit in my lap while I read to her for half an hour.

She wakes up in the morning glowing. She is full of smiles and cuddles for mom or dad. She claps her hands when she sees her daycare teachers and friends. She says "Hi!" to just about everyone in the supermarket.

She is that confident, exuberant, effortless beauty that I always wanted to be. I hope her charisma and laid back attitude stay with her - especially during those tumultuous teenage years.

Sometimes, I look at Chloe and I wonder what I did so differently between my two kids. Caleb is shy, and occassionally self-depricating. I wonder if it is the difference in my confidence in my ability to parent this time around or truly deep-rooted personality differences? Believe me when I say that I understand (even though I am an only child) that there are differences between my kids. I know that even if I was doing exactly the same thing with them, that they would turn out to have their own personalities and quirks. I guess it just makes me reflect back on my psych minor and wonder the extent of nature vs. nurture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you don't let her eat markers? She sounds like a sweetheart! I wish you guys lived closer.