The thing that worries me most (that I feel I may have some control over) is that I will forget all of the little things that made Caleb so "Two". So here is an unconventional Ten on Tuesday.
- Since Grandma Joan's visit, the boy is all about washing dishes. I missed capturing any images on my camera - they are all on my MILs. :( The thing that is really funny about "doing dishes" is that he doesn't actually help too much with the washing, more the sink just becomes a large water table for him to play with. His favourite thing is trying to drink the dish water when no one is looking. I am glad that grandparents have infinite more patience and can let little ones be little ones...
- The boy is really attached to his Sanka. For those of you that have not been formally introduced, Sanka is Caleb's lovey: a large beanie baby elephant who gets dragged around the house and on every car ride. We no longer bring Sanka to daycare, but I'll explain that in another post.
- I fear that we are growing out of afternoon naps. The naps themselves are becoming shorter, and the struggle to get him to lie down is longer. Not to mention it takes some firm discipline to get him to be quiet in his room.
- When he does actually want to go to sleep, Caleb insists on having books. He doesn't necessarily want the books read to him, but he wants them on his bed to sleep with. Have any other mommies encountered this?
- After many months, Caleb will take a bath again! This was of course, prompted by the fact that Chloe takes a bath. Sunday night I sat in the bathroom with Chloe in the blue baby tub and Caleb in the big tub, trying to share his toys. Every few minutes he would look at me and say "No poop, Mommy." I would reply "I know that you are a big boy now and that you know when you have to poop. I know that you aren't going to poop in the tub Cay-man." "No poop, Mommy," with a big cheesy grin.
- When taking a shower, he no longer wants Scott or I to help him. "I shower myself."
- Caleb also loves bubbles - he particularly loves the bubble gun that Stacey Manolio bought him as a big brother gift. The trick is getting him NOT to do it in the house.
- He really loves daycare, especially his teacher Ms. Tina (who Scott and I think is pretty great too!). On the way home from daycare he will cry that he wants to stay with Tina. While that doesn't do much for my ego, it makes me feel really confident in the childcare that he is receiving.
- When Grandma Joan left to go home, we tried to explain to Caleb that Papa Murray needed her at home to make him supper. Somehow, in his little mind, this was changed to "soup". Now when we ask him where Grandma is he says "Make Papa soup!" He has also started making soup with Play-Doh. If you ask him what his soup tastes like, the answers varies: lemon juice (his version of lemonade), carrots, or cheese.
- He is still in love with his sister, and that is the best feeling of all!
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