My sweet sister-in-law Susie ... wait, both of my sisters-in-law are sweet... but I digress..
My sister-in-law Susie is due a week before me. It was really fun during the first 12 weeks of our pregnancy to hear everything that was going on with her, especially because this is her first baby. She would call to complain about morning sickness, and I (green at the gills myself) would say "I tried this with Caleb" not letting on that I was in the process of trying it again! When we finally were ready to tell our families (at 12 weeks) Susie was the most shocked. Our conversation went something like this:
Me: So when exactly is your due date?
Susie: June 6th, or that is what the doctor said at least.
Me: So you're due exactly one week before me.
Susie: What!??
Me: Our babies are due a week apart.
Susie: Why didn't you tell me!?!
I has been really neat experiencing the pregnancy together and talking about ultrasounds and measurements and all the prep work that comes along with a new baby. When we had our 20 week ultrasounds, Scott made the comment that Susie's baby looked like our baby. I said "Of course it does, they're cousins!" We have also joked about who the favourite grandchild is going to be and Susie's husband Ross said that the title of favourite would go to whichever baby was born first. (Sorry guys, looks like we are going to win that race!)
Last night Susie called to fill us in on her ultrasound. At 33 weeks, they are estimating the baby's weight at 6.5 lbs. ALREADY. My nether-regions hurt just thinking about how big this kid is going to be at 37, let alone 42 weeks (Susie was a whopping 11lbs 2oz and 2 weeks late).
I am really hoping that our little noodle doesn't decide that s/he needs to play catch-up... maybe the Frattaroli cousins can have the claim to fame of being "large". I'm quite happy having another 7lb7oz baby thankyouverymuch!
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